Got a problem with your PC?

You've come to the right place ...

We're a free computer-fixing workshop. Simply come along and get your computer problems sorted out then and there, or as soon as we can. If we can tell you exactly what to get and then fit it for you. If it's software you need, we'll find you genuinely free, legal programs and help you install & configure them.

And if you've had a bad case of virus attack, we'lll nurse your computer back to health - and give you the tools and training you need to keep it virus-free in future.

Sounds too good to be true?

We are a group of volunteers who enjoy mending computers and think it's good for the community too. A working PC and internet connection - and a bit of good advice - can help people to stay in touch, know their rights, learn, work, create and be entertained. Computers are important! People need them.

We keep meeting people with computers they aren't using because they're 'broken'. By spending a little time and sometimes replacing a chip or two these can often be brought back to life.

Most of us work in IT, and we've years of experience between us, from making websites to soldering circuits. Some are old hands, some are new to the field, and learning from each other is a central part of the project.

So come down, bring your tired and huddled mass storage devices, rotten apples and PC's you can't get to work - and let us get to work on them!

Fancy Volunteering?

Technicians Required...

Whatever your background, if you like fixing PCs, solving problems, working together and getting involved then come along. You don't have to be an expert. Just be willing to learn - and that goes for experts too!

...And Non-Technicians Required!

Even better, if you can help with the organisation and administration of the project, we'd love to hear from you. And if you can do both...


Come along to the Café on Saturdays from 12pm-3pm with your broken computer or questions.

268 Verdon Street
S3 9QS

Phone: 01142994575


Send us an email to .